
Cyber Security Tips

• Think before you click. When doing a web search, look at the URL before clicking the link. Be cautious

when clicking on ads as many of these can be malicious. Instead, manually go to the site the ad is referring


• Do not open the emails from people or sources you do not know or are not familiar with; just delete it. If

you do open it, do not click on any links, open any attachments or respond if it looks suspicious.

• Make sure your anti-virus protection is up to date.

• When making an online purchase, make sure you trust the site you are using.

• Use hard to guess passwords for your online accounts. It is recommended that passwords be at least eight

characters long and contain three of the following: lower case, uppercase, symbol (special character) and/

or number.

• Do not give out too much information online such as your phone number, address, or any information you

use as answers for security questions to recover a forgotten password. This can include your mother’s

maiden name, where you were born, the high school you went to, etc.

IT Quick References

Help Desk 734-240-7311

Dell County Employee Website:
Member ID: 41691671